December 06, 2010

Capitalism ribawi consuming itself

There are interesting stories from Danah Zohar in his best seller worldwide Spiritual Capital, which is very relevant to the financial crisis that swept the world today.

This story comes from ancient Greek Mythology about a carpenter who is rich but very greedy named Erisychthon. I was so greedy, the carpenter even dared to cut down their god's favorite tree - in which people of ordinary Greeks 'worship' around the tree.

It is said that the 'god' very angry over cut down tree, and the curse Erisychthon to never satisfied no matter has been eaten. So start Erisychthon eat whatever he encountered, the store and its contents eaten until exhausted, after which the family also eat until they run out - to live the only thing that is around him, namely himself.Because of hunger that can never be too full right - then eventually even Erisychthon-consuming itself.

No matter how absurd the story, but it seems not much different reality that actually happened in the world financial ribawi modern times, causing a crisis in the world today.
Two days ago my breakfast with an old friend of a senior professional in financial institutions that now their mother has been fed by foreign conglomerates. Because he is in the extent to emigrate to a better way, he told me what that conflict with his heart, among others, related to the current global financial crisis. Which were sampled by him is the automotive industry in America.

In a normal market, should the balance between supply and demand occurs on its own. Manufacturers will produce the required number of consumer goods, and consumers purchase their needs at a reasonable price level according to his ability to buy those needs.

What is done by institutions of usury against the balance of supply and demand?.
Initially he came to the car manufacturer and say to the producers to produce more cars. Not have the capital?, Easy to live loaned (of course with the interest rate-because this is their charm.) No one is buying?, Easy, later ribawi institutions also are expected to capture buyers.

And then the institute usury came to the consumer (with a variety of advertising), to encourage consumers to buy a car that has produced the above manufacturers.Consumers do not have money?; Also easy solution - just loaned again by them - of course once again with interest because this is the core business interest.
Easement to get interest from producers and consumers, making institutions more avid ribawi 'create' a new balance in supply and demand.

If early-initially worked on the credible producers & consumers who are able to manufacture / purchase of goods and could also return the loan, so over time the 'market' credible is over - stay poor producers and consumers who are not able to borrow and return debt.

What happens then?, Usury institutions began to trouble collecting accounts receivable to its customers, not customers actually completely wrong - but mostly because the act of the institutions that own usury.

Once on the brink of global financial difficulties that so many victims, whether this changed attitude ribawi institution?, It did not. As far as their main income from interest - then they will still hunt their prey to 'borrow' that they still get the source of his interest.
The proof is very up-to-date at night (11 pm as I write this article), was also there sms to my handphone which offers easy cash ... ..

Now? there is easy cash? ... what else could it be they are targeting those of us to become the next source of interest income. If people like we too have been working on, who else is tilled? maybe they will start consuming itself like Erisychthon story above .... And Allaah knows best.

Dinar and Ozone

One of the bounty of Allah Ta'ala for us who live on earth is the earth covered with a layer of ozone in the stratosphere it. Ozone or O3 is a molecule consisting of three Oxygen atoms.

When the sun emitting its rays to earth, the majority of the sunlight is very beneficial for us who live on this earth - but there is one of its rays are not visible to the naked eye, called ultra-violet rays that can endanger lives.

When ultraviolet light is about the ozone, then its energy (the damage) is absorbed by ozone and Oxygen separates one atom of the molecule. Other rays are not visible to the eye can damage the ozone so that 'passed' to the surface of the earth.

With Ozone gift we can live a comfortable life on earth today, in time will come when ozone is no longer enough to withstand ultraviolet rays from the sun - then perhaps that's when apocalypse occurs.

But each of us can act to prevent or at least delay the disappearance of this ozone layer, among others, by using the energy that good enough for the lights, vehicles, computers (turn off computers when not in use), etc..

Same with Ozone, gold is created by God to protect people from unfair muamalah.According to Imam Ghazali in Ihya Ulumuddin, gold and silver created by God to be a fair judge in muamalah air. Therefore the use of gold for certain purposes such as eating and drinking places, male jewelry, etc. backfilled. is forbidden because it would remove the gold from the real function.

Function as a fair judge is not replaced by paper money, as functions of ozone in the earth we are not replaceable by other celestial bodies.
Most of us have worked just as hard with the Japanese, Europeans and Americans, but why do we bring about (amount) in value is reduced to live 19% in the last 10 years, while those in Japan is still 33%, in Europe was 38% and in America is still 31%? .

With the trend of this kind of people who live in the country whose money is relatively much weaker than the currencies of other countries, the increasingly poor and increasingly do not compete. The result of their hard work - do not get proper recognition when viewed from a global spectacle.

Every time our paper money depreciates relative to other currencies like the last 6 months - then automatically we grow globally is also poor. We like living on the earth that is not air-Ozone.

But this is not doom God willing, that is still likely to be the 'Ozone' is real in our financial system - then all we too can begin to prepare for the future of our grandchildren can live in an environment of fair financial system. Setting up the dinar-based financial system is one that we can do. Allaah knows best.