There are times when I was forced to violate my own rule not to write at holiday time, this is because the temptation to write so high, especially for responding to critical questions from readers of this blog.
This time I wanted to responding in general, opinions still think that the U.S. $ is better than gold or Dinar. For such a short time we have experienced in recent weeks, this could happen - but certainly not the case when we compare the long time span.
We began in 1968; current exchange rate of U.S. $ against the rupiah is IDR 296/US $ and the price of gold stood at USD 369/gram. What happens 10 years later ie in 1978?. Exchange rate U.S. $ to Rp 442/US $ and gold to Rp2, 746/gr. This means that over the span of 10 years from 1968 to 1978; Dollar has increased 49% against the rupiah, while the gold at the same time frame increased by 645%.
The advantage of gold is striking against the U.S. $ is going on 10 next next decade.Only once occur to U.S. $ is better than the increase in the amount of gold in the period 1988-1998, even this is only because the anomalies of 1 year ie 1998 (see graph) - not a trend or a trend within the decade.
The advantages are much more striking again if we spread 40 years at a time. U.S. $ exchange rate currently is in the range of USD 11.150, - 'only' increased by 3.663% compared to the dollar 40 years ago. Try to compare with the current gold price, the range of Rp 266.477 per gram - gold has increased by 72.202% on the price of gold in the amount of forty years ago.!
Actually it is not gold that experienced extraordinary price increases, but the dollar amount and Him that can not be relied upon in a long time span. This is why the currency in Islam is the real thing that has real value like gold (dinar) and silver (dirham).
Many more actual lessons to be drawn from the chart above, for example the tendency of a sharp correction to the amount of purchasing power (and dollars) in every decade.
In the decade of the 70s, occurred in 1979 when the rupiah devalued more than 40% from USD $ 442/US $ 623/US $ to Rp. In the decade of the '80s occurred in 1984, when the amount in another 13% devaluation of the USD $ 909/US $ to USD $ 1.026 / U.S. $.
The most severe we know all the decade of the 90s; precisely 1998 when the rupiah devalued about 70% of the value of the previous year, from Rp 2.909 / U.S. $ (2007) to Rp 10.014 / U.S. $ (2008).
For the decade of the 2000s, we can see in this number has decreased the value of approximately 19% compared to last year's dollars - that is from USD $ 9.349 / U.S. $ (2007) to Rp 11.150/US $ (2008). This decade will still be held for 2 years, hopefully this decade is not getting worse.
Actually I wanted to write a longer cycle in anticipation of the next 10 years ..., but because this holiday God willing I wrote some other time. Allaah knows best.