November 23, 2010

While Still Leave U.S. Dollar Securities ...

This paper I get from the study conducted by Casey Research is then poured in the Casey Report recently. 

Revealed from this long report that during the financial crisis till now underway, the United States has made or committed to bailout the bailout of U.S. $ 8.5 trillion. This bailout involves the country's four financial institutions such as graphs, more than 61% of its own issued by the Federal Reserve. 
In general economic theory, this bailout should not be a problem because generally in the form of loans, equity or guarantees. Loans should be paid by the loan recipient in the end. Equity will increase government participation in various business sectors.Similarly, it should also guarantee not to cause harm to government assets - because there is no cash out of his. 
But the entire bailout turns out to be a major problem after it was revealed in the report above that; loans issued by (or promised) the government's bailout program was to reach U.S. $ 2.3 trillion and the average is not backed up by existing asset prices. That is more likely unpaid, than the chance paid off. 
Bailout in the form of equity reached U.S. $ 3.0 trillion, but this was the average equity in the bankrupt company. Javanese language is Nguyahi Segoro (give the salt in the ocean). 
The largest form of government guarantee which reached U.S. $ 3.2 trillion, an average of these on derivative products and other investment products that are bulging collapse - which in due course will demand a guarantee for the party giver were really bail. This means that it should not be a cash-out-Ko-Ko was finally going to be a cash-out. 

So how big is the real money of U.S. $ 8.5 trillion this?; Graph illustrates that the entire project in addition to great Americans throughout history - after being adjusted by a factor of inflation - if the total was only U.S. $ 8.1 trillion. 
World War II, for example, after adjusted for inflation "only" to burden the American U.S. $ 4.1 trillion; All NASA programs that include up to bring the Americans to the moon only need U.S. $ 0885 trillion. Vietnam War only U.S. $ 0686 trillion. 
What is the meaning of all these numbers?. What it means is the U.S. government has mortgaged the nation and its wealth to future generations. As long as other nations continue to give them credit - using U.S. dollars - chances are they could just survive day after day, month after month, year after year. 
The balloon is blown continuously, eventually will erupt as well. This is what will happen with United and with the money the U.S. dollar. 
Lenders (all those who still use the U.S. dollar - including me and you when traveling abroad, etc..) This will eventually also be aware that the loan is actually not deserve it.Not only because they will not be able to pay it, but they also use loans from other nations in the world to finance his pride - sometimes even to oppress the other nations!. 
From now on, help us save the amount the government - at least this is better than helping the American government to save money. 
But if our government is also following the American way - remember the adage "Master ... standing, students ... run"?, Then we also must think about the ways we save ourselves, families, communities and nations in the future ... Solutions Dinar is one of them. Allaah knows best.