because there is less liked by posting my posts so far so I just decided to closed this blog
all blog content is an adaptation of the desk Dinar Indonesian version that was raised by Muhaimin Iqbal
December 24, 2010
Should Dinar Coins Represent?
Of the many sources that I'm trying to dig, the only strong arguments that regulates the Dinar is a set of weight - that is if the same interchangeable type (gold with gold) should be the same weight.
It is the Hadith of Muslim history, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah, with textMuslims from 'Ubadah bin Saamit, the Prophet of Allah said: "(Sell) gold with gold,silver by silver, wheat by wheat, poem with poetry, dates with dates, and salt with a salt(as the terms must be) equal in number and kind and in cash. If the type is different, sellall you want if made in cash. "
From the previous article we know that the new Islamic world to print and use its own Dinar around years 75 H-76 H. You can imagine how difficult it was to print dinars well, see the Islamic Dinar early-start printing like the picture above. When viewed in shape, not to say the standard is not it?.
Furthermore, during the Prophet Muhammad lived, Islamic Dinar has not scored her own. Approximately Dinar used Roman period can be seen in the figure below, this is the Dinar which most likely also used in trade in the Islamic world at that time. So once again, the form or the writings of the dinar it seems it is not specifically stipulated in Islam.
By setting the special dinar in weight and does not regulate rust or form, actually contain a lot of convenience and flexibility for Muslims until the end of time to be able to continue using the Islamic gold dinar as a fair balance in muamalah the most practical manner in accordance with his time.
Imagine if such are required to be in the form of coins, then how we can make the purchase of goods worth 0.8501 Dinar for example?. Also if we fund the purchase of A 380 Jumbo jets worth 2.5 million dinars?. The first problem in the printing of dinars into small fragments, which lack both impractical scored 10.6 tons of gold into coins Dinar.
In contrast with the focus just set the weight of that 1 is 1 mithqal gold dinar which is equivalent to 4.25 grams of gold, then the use of the Dinar can be very flexible in modern times though. The first transaction in the example above 0.8501 dinars and the second transaction of 2.5 million dinars both can be managed efficiently with the technology of e-dinar, m-dinar, e-gold, GoldMoney and others.
In every system transaction-based gold dinar or technology mentioned above, the stock Dinar not necessarily in the form of coins are printed Dinar - but gold bullion stocks that have the same weight. Although physical demand remains possible coin.
Dr. Wahbah Al-Zuhayli in his book that many economists to be a reference Sharia Al-Fiqh Al-Islami Wa Adillatuh, describes the necessity of heavy equality and freedom of this printed form as follows:
"If the money exchanged for the same kinds of money (eg gold with gold), then both should have equal weight, even if both have different qualities (levels) and quality prints. This follows the above hadith 'Gold with gold in the same amount ...'. So the amount of gold (measured by weight) is the only consideration ... ". (Vol I. Chapter 8 p. 282)
The interpretation of the above will facilitate the application of the dinar in our daily life to come. Although we will always try to score as many Dinar coins with our partners Precious Metals, if people's needs exceed the ability of Precious Metals print it - then the dinar accounts backed-up 100% by gold bullion as the example mentioned above also can be a solution.
What if the account owner wants his physical Dinar?; Course manager must give a physical account - if only because of physical coins can not be printed because of the limited ability of printing coins (in Indonesia only Precious Metals), then based on the interpretation of hadith by Dr. Wahbah Zuhayli can also be given the gold dinar as heavy as those who want to take his physical.
How to measure?, If you can not obtain the same level of fit (22 carat) levels can be exceeded (24 carat - gold bullion because usually 24 carat) so no harm is entitled to receive. Recipients should not be given less weight of gold which, although more levels. Wa Allahu A'lam.
As Age Reach 40 Years
"My Lord, pointing at me to be grateful for favors thou hast thou given me and to my father and mother so that I can do good works that get the pleasure of His goodness to me to give (give kindness) to the child's granddaughter. Verily I repent to You and truly I am of those who surrender themselves. " (QS: 46: 15)
With the very serious financial crisis in the world today, it should be all business introspection - including us - to what we have done so far. Introspection is also done by even the most prestigious business schools in America that is Harvard Business School (HBS). Publication their famous Harvard Business Review (HBR)-also facilitate the long debate about whether they have failed to educate its students so that this crisis happen?, Then how should they educate students in the future? ff.
Because embarrassed by their failure in a glamorous industry and markets such as U.S. auto industry and Wall Street capital markets, they are now beginning to learn from these markets during the market called Base of the Pyramid (BOP). Namely the market in countries where the population majority of the poorest such as India and some African countries. The researchers from leading business schools began searching for the values of what they can learn from these poor countries to instructional materials on students in the future.
One of their findings, published in HBR this month's edition is a way of looking at success not only assessed the economic glasses. In addition to economic criteria, they are now beginning to look at other important criteria such as growth ability and the relationship between its people.
If only HBS willing to learn from Islam, they will be able to easily and more accurate in assessing the success of individuals or corporations. In Islam there is the concept of extraordinary blessings, to the extent that the petition was blessed in so many prayers from the prayer we begin to eat, pray ask for sustenance, the prayer for the newlyweds, prayer etc. marital relationship.
Although these blessings are intangible, does not mean that its presence can not be felt. It's like the wind, though we can not see but can easily feel the presence, or even measure the speed, direction etc..
When the provision that delegated to us (no matter how many), it increases the sustenance of worship and 'good deeds we are - then God willing fortune brings blessings to us. Conversely, if fortune is our neglect of worship and does not encourage 'pious charity - it's likely that it is not blessed fortune.
Thus the complete tutorial on this religion, so pray for easy good deeds of Him who can pleasure themselves were taught by Him in verse which I quoted at the beginning of this paper. How unfortunately God in His servants, so the way to ask Him had made his editorial staff and also we are told when to begin to diligently read the prayer.
Benediction of God is taught us to often we read after we reach the age of 40. God loved us so it does not want His servants to do that in vain after he was past 40 years.With this guidance, then any activities that we do after we reach 40 years of age the size of success is whether we do this can be the good deeds that got him pleasure or not.
The husband and wife of my friend who was a pious remarkable when you receive a very prestigious job offers in the neighboring country, they accept the job but the contract would not be too long before wanting to measure the blessings of their new job is. How do they measure the blessings of his work?, Simple he said. If the new job they could continue his evening prayer on a regular basis or even increase, God willing baraka job - then the work will be continued. If not, most likely the work is not blessed - it must be abandoned.
God willing the new jobs these couples really blessed, the presence of 'wind' it so real with various good deeds that the remarkable increase not only felt by the individual but also felt by his relatives and his friends. Wa Allahu A'lam.
December 23, 2010
Loans Without Charges: For Whom?
From Anas that the Prophet Muhammad said: "On the night of my Ascension to Heaven, I saw the writing on the door of heaven, which reads: 'any charity be rewarded ten-fold, each loan was given eighteen-fold reward,' then I ask: ' O Gabriel, why the loan be rewarded more than charity? ', Gabriel replied:' Because someone could get the dole when he did not need it, while someone who borrow borrow only because they were really needed it '". (Narrated by Ibn Majjah and Bayhaqi).
Similar to when the front desk product launch M-Dinar Dinar so many readers who responded in a short time, the new product front Dinar result of a collaboration between the BMT Daarul Muttaqiin that we could not even give it a name that still use the generic name Loans Without Charges - also get a response enthusiastic than a lot of visitors GeraiDinar.
Because in addition to the support, the response of visitors is also more of a question - so in this paper I will try to explain more about this product.
When we initiated the establishment of a BMT which we named Daarul Muttaqiin BMT, the basic idea was to give solution to one of the fundamental problems of race that is not enough availability of the Islamic way out, free of usury, etc. free loan sharks. when people are faced with an urgent need for funds.
Then we present BMT Daarul Muttaqiin which is expected to really balance between function Baitul Maal (Social) and the function Baitut Tamwil (Commercial). Loans Without Charges are one product of the activity of Baitul Maal - which indeed we do not seek to profit from this product.
The first question is why still use the warranty if you do not seek profit from this product?.
1) guarantee or collateral is unlawful in syar'i as the verse "And if you're on the way are you not getting a clerk then let mortgage held there goods ...". (Surah 2: 283).
Paragraph is also consistent with some of the saheeh hadeeth include "Verily the Prophet Muhammad never buy food with debt from a Jew, and a Prophet mortgaged his armor to him." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Based on the above verses and hadith is the fatwas DSN - MUI also allows the guarantee is good on the loan agreement (Al-Qard) or contract liens (Rahn).
2) With the guarantee as good as or even better then cash the gold dinar in sufficient amounts, the risk of unpaid accounts receivable to be very, very small. Funds available for Loans Without Charges will be able to survive or even grow in a sustainable.
The second question is the existence of this guarantee means that people who so desperately need but do not have a dinar for collateral - could not obtain loans from BMT Daarul Muttaqiin?.
We have own solutions to this is by Kafalah. For those who need a loan but does not have its own dinars to find someone else who has the dinar and would be Kafiil or guarantor on loans submitted to us.
Terms of Kafiil are people who really know the prospective borrower that he was willing to risk - if the borrower fails to pay its debts, owned Kafiil Dinar these dependents.
If the need does not have a dinar and can not get someone who is willing to become his Kafiil, then what's the solution?. We must honestly say that this is still beyond our ability to help him.
But we have a suggestion for this, that is relevant to congregational life - to know and hang out with as much as possible the pious brethren around him through the routine prayers at mosques, one of them - then God willing at the time there is a problem there will always be a way out.
The third question is then how BMT Daarul Muttaqiin will grow and develop, if he did not get anything from products Loans Without this expense?.
Loans Without Charges only one product Baitul Maal - BMT Daarul Muttaqiin; of course we also have many other products for commercial purposes such as contract agreement Mudharabah, Mudharabah and various other products Baitut Tamwil. Of commercial products is God willing this will grow TMB.
Indeed we expect the model Loans Without this expense can walk and be one solution to the problems of the people, of course we also want to get a reward from Allah alone as promised in the hadith, which I quoted at the beginning of this paper.Amen.
Similar to when the front desk product launch M-Dinar Dinar so many readers who responded in a short time, the new product front Dinar result of a collaboration between the BMT Daarul Muttaqiin that we could not even give it a name that still use the generic name Loans Without Charges - also get a response enthusiastic than a lot of visitors GeraiDinar.
Because in addition to the support, the response of visitors is also more of a question - so in this paper I will try to explain more about this product.
When we initiated the establishment of a BMT which we named Daarul Muttaqiin BMT, the basic idea was to give solution to one of the fundamental problems of race that is not enough availability of the Islamic way out, free of usury, etc. free loan sharks. when people are faced with an urgent need for funds.
Then we present BMT Daarul Muttaqiin which is expected to really balance between function Baitul Maal (Social) and the function Baitut Tamwil (Commercial). Loans Without Charges are one product of the activity of Baitul Maal - which indeed we do not seek to profit from this product.
The first question is why still use the warranty if you do not seek profit from this product?.
1) guarantee or collateral is unlawful in syar'i as the verse "And if you're on the way are you not getting a clerk then let mortgage held there goods ...". (Surah 2: 283).
Paragraph is also consistent with some of the saheeh hadeeth include "Verily the Prophet Muhammad never buy food with debt from a Jew, and a Prophet mortgaged his armor to him." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Based on the above verses and hadith is the fatwas DSN - MUI also allows the guarantee is good on the loan agreement (Al-Qard) or contract liens (Rahn).
2) With the guarantee as good as or even better then cash the gold dinar in sufficient amounts, the risk of unpaid accounts receivable to be very, very small. Funds available for Loans Without Charges will be able to survive or even grow in a sustainable.
The second question is the existence of this guarantee means that people who so desperately need but do not have a dinar for collateral - could not obtain loans from BMT Daarul Muttaqiin?.
We have own solutions to this is by Kafalah. For those who need a loan but does not have its own dinars to find someone else who has the dinar and would be Kafiil or guarantor on loans submitted to us.
Terms of Kafiil are people who really know the prospective borrower that he was willing to risk - if the borrower fails to pay its debts, owned Kafiil Dinar these dependents.
If the need does not have a dinar and can not get someone who is willing to become his Kafiil, then what's the solution?. We must honestly say that this is still beyond our ability to help him.
But we have a suggestion for this, that is relevant to congregational life - to know and hang out with as much as possible the pious brethren around him through the routine prayers at mosques, one of them - then God willing at the time there is a problem there will always be a way out.
The third question is then how BMT Daarul Muttaqiin will grow and develop, if he did not get anything from products Loans Without this expense?.
Loans Without Charges only one product Baitul Maal - BMT Daarul Muttaqiin; of course we also have many other products for commercial purposes such as contract agreement Mudharabah, Mudharabah and various other products Baitut Tamwil. Of commercial products is God willing this will grow TMB.
Indeed we expect the model Loans Without this expense can walk and be one solution to the problems of the people, of course we also want to get a reward from Allah alone as promised in the hadith, which I quoted at the beginning of this paper.Amen.
Swine Flu and Currency ....
Financial crisis has not ended, the world has been shocked by the potential of the next crisis is a crisis flu. According to World Bank estimates that CNBC aired last night, when the crisis became a global pandemic - the impact of the resulting economic losses could reach U.S. $ 3 trillion or so to cut the GDP of the countries in the world up to 5%.
At the moment the only bird flu outbreak in Southeast Asia alone in 2003, the countries of the region's GDP declined 0.6% on average.
At the beginning of this flu crisis which has affected include:
· Six countries have banned imports of meat from most of any U.S. state.
· Hotels and Airlines suddenly experienced a very sharp decline in sales because people became afraid to travel. The decrease in sales was directly in response also to the decline in their shares in the stock market.
• In Mexico City the local government has closed all schools until May 6, Upcoming; some business activities have also begun to shut down
· So far the only drug companies like Roche and GlaxoSmithKline are each producing Tamiflu and Relenza - two drugs are believed to still be effective against flu - are soaring auto sales and its stock price.
If the crisis continues it will be much wider social and economic activities disrupted, and if the economy disrupted then the currency will also be disrupted. Countries that are considered safe from this flu will be the stronger currency and vice versa countries that are considered unsafe or unable to cope with flu will weaken its currency.
For U.S. $ currency while still strong at the beginning of this flu crisis as world economic players still have the perception that the U.S. $ is more able to cope with this crisis than its neighbors, like Mexico whose victims has reached 149 people.
But if this crisis could not be solved by the United States, for example by the fall of some of the victims died because of positive flu - the belief the market will collapse along with the casualties. This which will disrupt the U.S. $ currency strength.
Unlike fiat money whose strength depends on the (perception) of a country's economic strength, money or gold dinar strength lies in the purchasing power of the object itself.
So God willing or gold dinar will not be exposed to neutral or negative impact of swine flu broke down this. Wa Allahu A'lam.
December 22, 2010
Gold purchases by China Stealth
Throughout the world gold price pushed up by this week reveal the news that China was secretly gradually increase its gold reserves. It is estimated that China currently has approximately 1054 tonnes of gold reserves, or increased about 90 tons per year in recent years.
China is attractive purchase of two sides of the amount and when the purchase is made. Total gold reserves accretion in the range of 90 tons per year is a significant amount compared to all of our gold reserves such that only in the range of 74 tons, even the gold reserves of Saudi Arabia alone is estimated at only around 135 tonnes.
Both in terms of time of purchase, the Chinese seem to know exactly when to buy.They buy gold at gold prices lower as the season had lasted nearly a month last `.China is also very careful in implementing plans to increase gold reserves, it appears from the relevant official silence on the country and also from the gradual purchase patterns.
In spite of its huge foreign exchange reserves and is able to increase its gold reserves as well as in larger quantities, China did not do so because if this is going to shake up the gold price and U.S. dollar will fall. China concerned to 'join maintain' the U.S. Dollar in order to remain a high exchange rate, because of China's lucrative trade with the United States.
So what does this gold purchases by China for gold investment / Dinar?. First China will not be a State that shook the gold price to new high value - because it is contrary to the interests of their trade.
Both the pattern of China's purchases of gold by gradually at low prices, gold prices also will 'wake up' - because it seems there will be 'standby buyer' for the gold of the world namely China.
Gold reserves which spread to a number of countries will be equally good for the stability of world economy because it reduces the dominance of one State against another State - at least from an economic standpoint. Wa Allahu A'lam.
Masterpiece From the Collection of Used Goods
Thirteen years ago I get a mandate to run an old public company that was born in the early days of independence of this country. As with other old company, the company is filled by people who have decades of work in the company.
Plus they are the ones who are very loyal to the company and has been credited with keeping the company's presence through the various upheavals that occurred in this country. While the negative because the majority ahead of retirement, it is difficult to motivate them to compete with younger children who gradually fill various positions in the company.
One time during a visit to a branch in Bandung, I see the artwork in the form of miniature motorcycles made from various kinds of used goods. Starting from the former engine watch, a former bath hose, a former air rifle and various other marks.
Through creative hands, all second-hand goods is placed in the right place - assembled in an exclusive design of large motors. The result?, It was amazing - does not appear that the masterpiece is made from used goods. What appeared was a large lovely miniature motor.
Masterpiece of used goods is what ultimately I use to visualize how important the role of everyone in the company.
To a messenger for example, I tell you what will become of these motors when the wind ammunition - which represents the exhaust - I put the cross on the seat?; Then people will not see it like a big bike - people will see the form of cassava waste in it.Likewise the role of a messenger, any promised management for clients such as on-time service etc., when the messenger who is charged to deliver the document (which was promised on time is) negligent - then people will only see the company as a company that can not keep their promises.
So in the eyes of the client, the role of messenger is as important as my own role in the company director at that time - in what kind of image the company where we work with them. The role played by the right and truly by each individual is what will produce a masterpiece, if there is even one individual who played a casual role - it is not the masterpiece that is formed - but a pile of garbage.
This concrete example: in a recent road trip is along the coast - I was stuck in traffic for 6 hours more to reach a city in West Java, which usually can be taken 4 hours - then I need 10 hours!.
Similarly, all those who pass road; among them there are public transport will automatically lose because of this congestion, the trucks carrying logistics, business people who wasted his time in vain - and various other losses are incalculable - but this Lebaran season, which is not usually jammed.
What causes such huge losses? the cause is because there is a role that does not play well by those responsible for road improvement projects in the city. To manage the road improvements without causing severe congestion that do not require intelligence of a rocket scientist, meaning that the average project manager should be able to manage the highway improvement project with minimal disruption.
Because failure is the project manager - road congestion in the eyes of the victims - the government that failed. The failed government concerning the Regent / Mayor, Governor to the President. If among the victims of this congestion include also the prospective investors - then surely they will think a thousand times to invest funds into the region / country because of how hard the economic costs of its infrastructure is chaotic.
So to make this country masterpiece, was not just a good president; good governor or mayor is good, but it is all officials involved in public service or handle work in the interests of the public must play their respective roles well and truly . Without this comprehensive success, which appears in the eyes of the client (can be people, investors etc) is just the junk pile as examples of miniature motors I mentioned above.
December 21, 2010
Wisdom Of Crisis ...
"It's amazing the affairs of the believers, in fact all good business for him. It will not be owned by anyone, except to the believer. When he obtained a joy, he was grateful and that is good for him. But when he hit the suffering, he was patient and it is also good for him ". (Narrated by Muslim).
The above hadith is wonderful entertainment for us who want to improve our faith from time to time, even when he saw a huge crisis on a global scale though - we still can 'enjoy' the crisis by taking a different lesson.
Here are some points that I try to collect about the 'pleasures' that arise from this crisis:
1) We get the real lessons that usury institutions - no matter how desirable even if it can be destroyed like the promise of Allah (Sura 2:275-279).
2) The financial crisis hitting the banking, insurance, capital markets and other financial sector has been encouraging people to understand the importance of the real sector.
3) The crisis has destroyed the pride that glorifies capitalism capital, systems and human-made law. The law is God who will ultimately prevail, rather than man-made law of toghut.
4) In a crisis of disobedience was reduced; rah-rah party at the hotel, nightclub etc. all over the world to be empty of visitors.
5) The prices of many human needs are being slammed. What products are currently available globally in the price discount. Is this not good for the majority of us?.
6) usury authorities (hopefully) become aware that they can no longer toying with the value of public money by controlling interest rates (usury). The game turned out rate can not free us from the crisis.
7) During the crisis, people eat less excessive in expensive restaurants, in addition to reducing waste - it also tends to make life more healthy.
8) Because of the global crisis, the crisis stems from property (housing) and financial industries, has started growing phenomenon around the world people look green investment, eco-farming etc. that will lead towards a greener earth.
9) People will begin to intelligently critical of government decisions which will bring good, and which bring disaster. This will improve the control of the decision makers.
10) Without knowing the world community now know who the black sheep of all this misery, if the American government so long under George Bush, in Britain's Gordon Brown, in another country of your own that go ...
11) During the crisis of declining energy use; hopefully our grandchildren still get its share of energy is enough ...
12) People are aware of the need for a fairer world trade, it turns out people can not be too stingy nor too extravagant ...
Especially in terms of introduction and dissemination of Dinar, Alhamdulillah with the crisis, people become aware of how true that is more equitable currency and inflation-free proven more than 1400 years, Alhamdulillah ....
The Big Switch…

But not a horse shoe factory this incredible source of inspiration, but is a source of energy that must be provided by the horse shoe factory itself can be a lesson for us who live now.
At that time, each plant must have its own energy source because each plant - said to have the specification requirements of different energy. Can we imagine how inefficient that time because every entrepreneur who will make the factory, meaning he also must take pains to build energy plant.
Inefficiencies also occur when there is excess power from a single plant, can not be used for other factories because again that he is different specifications.
Inefficiency problem of new energy sources are resolved the next century when it starts popping up utility company (if in Indonesia PLN), which is a big energy companies - which can be supplying the energy needs of various industries and households as well.
With the utility company, factory owners just need to focus to make the factories that produce its core product - after the factory so stay connected to PLN - the plant is ready to operate. Energy inefficiency can also be overcome by the power that is not used by a customer, can automatically be used by other customers.
Development of information technology by companies until now still like the energy factory making Henry Burden era mentioned above. Every large company (and even the middle, sometimes even small ones) must make its own its IT systems. Any company purchasing its own hardware, the software itself, have their own IT team and so on. Excess resources in one company, can not be allocated to others - the reason being that their needs are different - exactly the reason the era of horse shoe factory above the 19th century.
It even happens in similar company whose owner the same. Government for example has 100% or majority stake in a number of government banks, insurance companies, two telecommunications companies, a number of plantations, a number of transport companies etc.. Every company that until now the government is still building its IT systems on their own. The reason again is that every company has different IT needs with one another.
It could be the reason this is true, we live in an era when horse shoe above may we also do not imagine there will be a kind of utility company PLN. But you can imagine in this era what his inefficiency if the factories had to build its power plant on its own.Similarly, in terms of IT systems, current utility IT Company has not yet emerged, so the companies that in fact his boss had both the government and the edges are the Indonesian people - yes we are-we are! - Should build its IT systems on their own.How much waste to buy the hardware & software, etc. to pay for IT professionals.
Could the concept of building their own IT systems by each company is left? replaced with a system that can be used by anyone - just plug n play to the IT utility company - the company directly to the street?.
Very likely!, Even these people have been started. There are at least three world-class companies who are ready to 'rent' his system for any company. Even for a new business model that does not exist though. You who are interested can visit the site of SAP, Oracle or ; learned their capability in providing so-called CRM on demand, you will be able to learn just how easy and efficient 'renting' this system rather than build its own.
In a small scale, GeraiDinar only need 4 days for customizing CRM on demand offered by one company to be able to operate efficiently since the age of first.
For those who want to plunge into new ventures, do not be too worried about these IT issues even if you are not a champion of IT - it is possible for your IT needs - you can rent only; in a matter of business days you can walk already with sophisticated IT systems.
With this concept also InsyaAllah Dinar will spread more rapidly in the coming months through a partnership a few BMT already initiated several months ago. Some old and new BMT who want to disseminate Dinar Dinar or open a savings account does not have to cape-cape makes its own system. Stay plug n play computer into Outlet Dinar system, then the system-based savings Dinar, Dinar asset control etc directly ready road. Hopefully.
December 20, 2010
U.S. Dollar Paradox and the Price of Gold
Because the U.S. $ more powerful, then the gold price in U.S. $ is low. When this occurs simultaneously with the strengthening of the rupiah - the decline in gold prices and also the dinar becomes significant as was the case throughout the week.
The question that often came to me is, why the U.S. $ is still strong even though the global financial crisis actually stems from the country?.
The answer is rather long, but it is true that the U.S. $ shows the numbers that tend to strengthen during this crisis. Note the chart above U.S. $ Index that I get the data since September 2007 - when the first signs of crisis began to read.
Since the beginning of the crisis end of September 2007 till now the world's central banks have made the bailout, or at least provide a guarantee amounting to approximately U.S. $ 20 trillion. But during this period to U.S. $ Index actually rose from 78 in the range of numbers beginning of the crisis to around number 86 now.
This is what I call a U.S. $ Paradox; the strengthening exchange rate of U.S. $, this time not caused by an improved economy in the country. But even by the opposite reason, namely the process of ongoing economic decay. To explain this, consider the illustration beside.
When banking institutions, insurance etc.. experiencing a very big problem and threatened bankruptcy; the country's central bank made the bailout of these institutions with public money. Toxic assets from institutions that are threatened with bankruptcy, exchanged with public money.
But public money is embedded into the troubled institutions is also not sufficient to make them speedy recovery, however much money buried in the bailout program should be saved if the situation continues to deteriorate - the kind of fund is like giving salt in the ocean - no impact on subsequent economic activity .
Banks still not been able to extend credit, liquidity remains difficult - U.S. $ remains scarce. This is what causes the high U.S. $ value - because of rare amid the current crisis.
U.S. $ is more valuable then this also makes the world gold prices seem relatively low - when purchased with U.S. $ currency.
So how long does it last?. There are two possibilities for this: first when trying to rescue these institutions is really safe, then the bailout money that has been embedded into the institution will burst out in the form of lending, etc. which suddenly enlarged. The impact is high liquidity will far exceed the liquidity before the crisis, high inflation will arise during this period.
The second possibility is if the bailout fails, then the U.S. bond buyers will realize that they are buying is a bond on toxic assets from institutions that will not recover from his illness. By the time they stop buying American bonds, then that's when the U.S. $ will fall in price and can cause very high inflation or hyper inflation.
So the paradox situation faced by the U.S. $ right now - will not take place continuously. Immediately after the bailout succeed or otherwise immediately after the investor community of the world realize that the bailout failed - then the paradox of this situation will end. That's when world gold prices will soar high in U.S. $ - for U.S. $ his fall.
When is this going to happen? Wa Allahu A'lam. Only Allah is omniscient, but the certainty of the destruction of Riba-based economy such as the American economy with the U.S. $ it is indeed been preached to us through the Al- Qur'anul Karim in surah Al-Baqarah 276-279.
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