"It's amazing the affairs of the believers, in fact all good business for him. It will not be owned by anyone, except to the believer. When he obtained a joy, he was grateful and that is good for him. But when he hit the suffering, he was patient and it is also good for him ". (Narrated by Muslim).
The above hadith is wonderful entertainment for us who want to improve our faith from time to time, even when he saw a huge crisis on a global scale though - we still can 'enjoy' the crisis by taking a different lesson.
Here are some points that I try to collect about the 'pleasures' that arise from this crisis:
1) We get the real lessons that usury institutions - no matter how desirable even if it can be destroyed like the promise of Allah (Sura 2:275-279).
2) The financial crisis hitting the banking, insurance, capital markets and other financial sector has been encouraging people to understand the importance of the real sector.
3) The crisis has destroyed the pride that glorifies capitalism capital, systems and human-made law. The law is God who will ultimately prevail, rather than man-made law of toghut.
4) In a crisis of disobedience was reduced; rah-rah party at the hotel, nightclub etc. all over the world to be empty of visitors.
5) The prices of many human needs are being slammed. What products are currently available globally in the price discount. Is this not good for the majority of us?.
6) usury authorities (hopefully) become aware that they can no longer toying with the value of public money by controlling interest rates (usury). The game turned out rate can not free us from the crisis.
7) During the crisis, people eat less excessive in expensive restaurants, in addition to reducing waste - it also tends to make life more healthy.
8) Because of the global crisis, the crisis stems from property (housing) and financial industries, has started growing phenomenon around the world people look green investment, eco-farming etc. that will lead towards a greener earth.
9) People will begin to intelligently critical of government decisions which will bring good, and which bring disaster. This will improve the control of the decision makers.
10) Without knowing the world community now know who the black sheep of all this misery, if the American government so long under George Bush, in Britain's Gordon Brown, in another country of your own that go ...
11) During the crisis of declining energy use; hopefully our grandchildren still get its share of energy is enough ...
12) People are aware of the need for a fairer world trade, it turns out people can not be too stingy nor too extravagant ...
Especially in terms of introduction and dissemination of Dinar, Alhamdulillah with the crisis, people become aware of how true that is more equitable currency and inflation-free proven more than 1400 years, Alhamdulillah ....