I'm not anti-paper money, because of course I also gained the use of paper money in everyday life - I use paper money according to its function as a medium of exchange as I wrote in my earlier writings.
The scholars of Islam since the mid-century did not deny the existence of money outside the Dinar and Dirham. Ibn Taymiyyah One of them even have formulated rules of printing money like in my past writings.
"The amount of money (money that is lower than the Dinar and Dirham, such as copper) may only be printed in proportion to the number of transactions in such a way that guaranteed a fair price. Authority should not be printing money excessively harmful to society due to the destruction of the purchasing power of money already on them. "
What we need to note is the fact that the government of the world today not only seemed to lose control over the amount of money printed, but also accidentally doubled the amount of 'money' by any process of money creation is so fierce, so afraid that they themselves know the amount.
In monetary science is known, there are four kinds of money that is M0 to the amount of physical currency, demand deposits M1 to M0, M2 to M1 All time deposits, savings deposits and non-institutional money-market funds. And the most widely known as M3 is M2 all large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, and including all forms of other larger liquid assets.
Money The most widely known as M3 is a big problem the world today. The irony of this as the base of the problem is hidden by a world government, the American official M3 data is no longer published since 2006. Fortunately there is an independent institution such as the Shadow Government Statistics which can still track the existence of such data in the chart above.
From the graph above we know that what makes the current frenzy of the world not because of actual U.S. $ money (M0 or M1), but the shrinking of the false money of U.S. $ (M3).
These conditions make a tremendous advantage for America because they make money regardless - and they really do this as shown by skyrocketing M1 - without causing inflation (for a while!).
Contrast can be seen from the graph as well, along with the shrinking of the quasi-M3 money - the value of U.S. $ which is reflected in the U.S. $ Index skyrocketed. What we need to realize is very fast as it soared to U.S. $ as the cause of the false, then the terrible destruction will also be on the trigger by causes that are fictitious - that is when the M3 back to the original trend of swelling.
When the shrink M3 disaster financial crisis around the world, so when he returned to the normal trend in the near future - at least his misfortune that will lead to inflation or even hyperinflation.
This is what is feared by Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned above, namely the public's money will suddenly lose its purchasing power. Again, even this impact will be global, so we are in Indonesia and also must be ready to face it.
So how to we do not become victims of their game, even as far as possible out as the winner?.
Here are simple tips that we can do:
· Not holding or using U.S. $ unless forced, like he was traveling to a foreign country etc..
· Since Rupiah also will not be separated from the impact of U.S. $, use our paper money was (amount) only according to its function as a medium of exchange.
• Use of real property such as Dina, gardens, shops, business units are running well etc.. as a store of value.
• For long-term teach the kids to trade, gardening, raise and engage in activities other real sector.
In addition to the things that are worldly, of course there are the safest step for our property because there will be anyone who can trick - that is our charity!, Then our property will increase 700 times or more and will be ours forever ....: )