Large companies where our decades of work would be innocent of the health of the pension fund, if yet they still contribute usually very minimal contribution.
From my comrades actuary, I know a lot of big companies / state that is currently struggling to overcome their liability of health care costs of retirees.
In addition we can save money in the dinar value maintained and will be very useful when we enter the age of retirement would be, of course we can also purchase health insurance offered sharia that many in the market.
But there are still some problems in this health insurance so that its penetration into society has not been too big. These issues include the premiums were deemed too expensive, especially for retirement age, difficult claims procedures and service network that is more often limited. Hopefully they can improve themselves so that the future can be an attractive option for the community.
Actually there is another way outside the insurance scheme which can also be used to effectively manage health care costs, that is what is called the Community Health Insurance (Managed Care).
The point of this Managed Care consists of four actors are participants, the Implementing Agency (BAPEL), Board of Trustees (BAPIM) and the Health Services (KDP).
Participants ideally is a large group of community members to meet the so-called Law of Large Numbers so that costs can be more widely spread and patterns of risk can be more manageable.
Study group who had a large congregation like the congregation Ust Arifin Ilham, or Alumni ESQ example is suitable to form this Managed Care. First because the amount is large and both have a certain bond of these pilgrims.
BAPEL Managed Care can be either cooperative, limited liability companies, state enterprises, local enterprises can even also be the foundation. Essentially they have secured a license from the Ministry of Health Managed Care.
BAPEL is required capability that is qualified both in terms of managing their own health and financial management. Because they manage risk and in a long time, they must have expertise in actuarial, reserve management and even they must also be able to effectively perform BAPEL risk sharing with others - in the language of insurance called reinsurance / retakaful.
Not only to understand the health risks, BAPEL ideally should also be well aware of the financial risk. Paper money they manage down its purchasing power from time to time, while health costs continue to rise because of inflation, the age and deteriorating environmental factors, so many new diseases emerging.
In managing financial risks is the existence Dinar can greatly help stabilize the purchasing power of member contributions in the long term.
Care that does not have good risk management capabilities with the skills I mentioned above, most likely not long-lived and will be able to harm its members.
BAPIM is the duty of government to develop, foster and encourage the implementation of Managed Care. Because their job is like this, people should attempt to establish Care should be facilitated. Permit-license simplified so that thrives Managed Care-Managed Care professional and responsible.
KDP consists of network of hospitals, health centers, clinics, medical practices, midwives and other health services.
If we can combine elements of health management through Managed Care fostered by the MOH, health insurance is fostered by the MOF and the dinar-based financial management - the cost of medical benefits God willing we can we plan and manage from the start now.