Suppose it's not recommended in Islam, but taking lessons for any disaster that happens is a matter that has been duly carried out.
Actually just the last ten years the human race in the World (not only in Indonesia!) At least be given the same lesson at least three times in three different disaster. See the photos in addition, the top is the mosque that survived the flood Situ Gintung year ago. The middle is the mosque that survived the tsunami in Aceh 6 years ago, and the bottom is the mosque that survived the great earthquake in Turkey 11 years ago.
Coincidence then? No!, Nothing happened on this earth. "Not a disaster ever befall the earth and (nor) in yourselves but have been written in the book (Record), before We created it. Surely that is easy for Allah. "(Surah 57: 22)
Why did God save these mosques while the surrounding buildings destroyed?.Mosque in addition to the prayer is also a symbol of our obedience to fulfill his calling, with three concrete examples of the visual and perhaps God really wanted to convey the truth of the verses.
So if we could take a lesson from the mosques of Allah who saved amid the disaster-the disaster that hit, so should we too can make learning to deal with various other calamities.
To save yourself from financial calamity that now befall the world for example, we can-run refuge 'mosques' or the houses of God where God's law be obeyed, commands executed and its ban shunned.
Financial calamity the world is still far from over; this week's edition of Time magazine would report lower financial bomb threat is much greater that is ready to explode. So big bomb by Time categorized as WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) or Weapons of Mass Destruction.
One example of WMD are appointed time is the case of AIG. AIG is still according to Time 'only' had assets valued at U.S. $ 50 Billion. While the risk is borne from the CDS case it is now U.S. $ 40.4 billion loss, which are in the queue to collect the next appointment is U.S. $ 300 billion. That is the pride of the American giant would technically bankrupt to 6 times, except when the government made a massive bailout.
Fruit "simalakama" it is if you want to be saved, will not be easy for the U.S. government to make the bailout of AIG by the several hundred billion dollars more - while recently they annoy the whole country was in the case of-for bonus.
If not saved, the domino effect of an AIG bankruptcy really unspeakable. AIG warrant 180.000 entity with total employment 106 million in America alone. Among those who secured the tens of thousands of agricultural land, hospitals, pension funds, infrastructure, industrial property, aviation industry, petroleum industry and so on.Short said the collapse of AIG in the U.S. alone will drag economic collapse on a massive scale - so categorized Weapon of Mass Destruction by Time it.
What are the implications if the American economy collapsed by the case of AIG and the like?. As has happened a half years, the whole world will also be dragged into the same vortex of crisis - including Indonesia.
How can we survive?, Learn from disaster-disaster cases mentioned above - run into 'houses' of God. In economic applications this means is run into the economy that do not involve usury; not rely on debt. A fair economy, that feeds (create jobs) to the poor.Economics is built with mutual assistance in affection, not the economy that is built on the basis of exploitation is strong against the weak.
To survive, let us return to the 'mosque' in the broadest sense ...