December 12, 2010

Top 20 Opportunities in Virtual World

Because the crisis wracked 97/98 - Internet users in Indonesia can not grow too large. Based on data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a new Internet users in Indonesia in 2000 reached 2,000,000 users.
No wonder so many Internet-based business initiatives to the early 2000s are very rarely successful. At that time I myself experimented with dozens of sites, nothing worked. First perhaps because the experiments are only a sideline, both yes because Internet users at that time was still very little, and the third access to capital when it is not yet open.
Now the situation is very different; Internet users in Indonesia this year has reached 30,000,000 users according to the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII). Even the government actually expects to reach 50 million Internet users last year - have not achieved it - but many parties are optimistic that this target can be achieved in two or three years.
With such a large internet users, the opportunities for entrepreneurship in the Internet world called netpreneur or infopreneur be wide open. The site was originally only blog I created initially only accidentally - in the holiday mood in a cafe in Jogjakarta end of 2007.
When the community response has begun to dilate, which then require my full concentration to serve - then start this business I deal with the full and I leave the job 'prestigious' me before. It is now almost one year full-time job as I go through this netpreneur, thank God there is nothing I regret a little too over-step move kuadrant I do.
This experience that I want to share with friends readers who want to jump in this business with huge potential, nothing is easy indeed - but also nothing is impossible to do. What do we do this according to my religious teachers are among the "baina" possible and impossible. Origin was still in the area as possible, then anything can happen. Conversely if we enter the realm of the impossible - then it would be a waste of time.
Even if you currently do not have an idea though, we can help with ideas that there are no people just to run it. Dozens of sites that we had the idea and has not been successful, it could be now is the time to succeed because of the number of Internet users above.
Moreover, factors not less important is the capital. God willing investors access to a wide open now, so we can help until the issue of capital is the origin of his project was really nice and big chances. Interested?, Please contact us for brainstorming your ideas ...