Yesterday U.S. $ could exceed USD 13.000 at the market rate. Their impact on gold prices and the dinar is certainly very significant. To the extent GeraiDinar.Com recommend to our agents and clients so as not to deal to avoid transactions that contain gharar.
This morning Dinar higher prices, for the first time, exceed USD 1,400,000 / Dinar.God willing we will re-open Monday transactions at prices which are at a new equilibrium.
Hopefully, the monetary authorities of this country can maintain the value of Rupiah in order not degenerate any further, so that we can also handle links by comfortable transacting gharar minimal element.

The problem is that we must also recognize the ability of monetary authorities to maintain the value of a very limited amount. See chart in addition to the data I get from the official website of Bank Indonesia. Reduced our foreign exchange reserves of about U.S. $ 10 billion in the three
months August, September and October.
In October alone reduced our foreign exchange reserves of about U.S. $ 6.5 billion.Where gone? My suspicion is to secure the greatest value of the rupiah. Hopefully the November figures will come out later this month we will not add to the shock of real financial condition of this country.
The question is why do we have great difficulty maintaining the value of Rupiah us - at the expense of hard-earned this country - just for the value of the Rupiah against the U.S. $ seem right?.
We know the current value of U.S. $ high not because the country's economy back on heyday. Value U.S. $ high precisely because they are also more liquidity problem.People hunt Dollar at a great price, because in this crisis situation can not supply Dollar 'ballooned in full' as usual.
If the scale whose name U.S. $ again damaged, used to weigh the results of which we certainly chaotic. This happened, we were forced ourselves to improve our Rupiah against the U.S. $ - but we also know the value of U.S. $ is also not true
So, I think that lay ya ... effort of this country should focus more on dressing the real sector, production sector - particularly the production of goods that people needed. If the most of our needs could be produced by our own, we would certainly need U.S. $ currency will be reduced and hopefully long gone.
Waste of resources of this country (reserves) by the values of the rescue effort (which is not so important) is of course eliminated if our money is not a fictitious value of money relative to the currencies of other countries.
Imagine if our money Dinar; value did not need to be saved because of the value carried by the intrinsic value of money itself. Because we will not be troubled by the efforts to maintain the value of money, then we will be more focus on production activities or other real sector activities.
This means that the use of dinar currency will actually increase the productivity of this country, not vice versa. To prove this, God willing next Dinar movement began to be directed to encourage trade and the real production sector. DinarWorld and movement our earth green / Muzaraah who pioneered GeraiDinar are initial steps that could at least get started.
May Allah save this nation.