Practical been two years since I became involved in the study of Dinar and then introduced it to the public. Since I started buying two years ago at a price of USD 700 thousand; this weekend Dinar price closed slightly above the USD 1.4 million-an or two-fold.
Price Dinar is now USD 1.4 million was a new record for the price of the dinar in the rupiah. There are two main causes: the first is the weakening rupiah and the second in a value of U.S. $ gold world indeed started to rise again.

Amount even exceeded the price of USD $ 13.000 in trading Friday before it finally closed at a value of Rp 12.600, -. In the international gold price of U.S. $ back to the U.S. $ 800 - an / oz after less than a month stood at U.S. $ 700 - an / oz.
To help understand the effect of rise and fall of the Rupiah against U.S. $ and gold prices in the local market which means we sell dinar price; I use a simple tool that I refer to as the Gold Dinar Quadrant as in the illustration beside.
First Quadrant will happen if the rupiah and the U.S. $ strengthened simultaneously, then the local gold price and the Dinar will go down. First Quadrant is less likely to occur because the amount of behavior has been a tendency to weaken when the U.S. $ strengthened.
Quadrant two will occur when the Rupiah strengthened in line with the weakening U.S. $, this can occur when the normal condition of our economy. If this happens and dinars of gold tends to rise or fall depending on which strong impulses between a decrease or an increase of U.S. $.
Third Quadrant occurs when the rupiah weakened and at the same time U.S. $ also down, then the gold or the dinar will go up. Third Quadrant This may occur if the global financial crisis that we are now experiencing protracted.
Quadrant four is that we experience these days; rupiah weakened amid - 'kuat' its U.S. $. Dinar Gold and can go up or down depending on where a larger decrease in amount or increase its U.S. $.
Of the factors Rupiah and U.S. $ are just two of the many other factors. The increase in world gold prices are significantly Friday as much driven by market pessimism on the U.S. economy is more widespread.
A market actors Hugh Hendry, chief investment officer at hedge fund Eclectica Asset Management, for example, bring the whole financial industry predicted the U.S. would have to be taken over by the government or the nationalization of next year. Prediction broadcast by CNBC last Friday was of course part represent or at least influence the perception of the market in general.
Other market players Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital describe attitude against the U.S. $ at this time is more accurate but dramatically; he likens this moment there is a giant nuclear bomb ready to explode in the U.S. (ie U.S. $) - but all the people currently running close ; what happens when they eventually realize that they're after is a giant nuclear bomb ...?; everything will run helter-skelter to avoid it - is what will happen to the U.S. $ according to Schiff's version which is always critical to the development of U.S. $ this.
Well, we do not go running around chasing U.S. $. quite the contrary at this time we have to do is stay away as far as possible from U.S. $. Allaah knows best.
Disclaimer:Apart from all the writing and analysis on this blog are the product of careful study and from sources that are generally trusted in the business world, capital markets and financial markets, we are not responsible for any losses caused by use of analysis and writing this blog either directly or indirectly direct the reader. Being himself the responsibility to conduct the necessary studies of the sources of this blog or other sources, before taking decisions relating to investment gold, Dinar and other investments.