The creation of gold and silver by God according to Imam Ghazali is for gold and silver is used as a judge or a fair balance to assess the goods in muamalah way.
This is in line with the number of the verses of the Koran which commands us to uphold the scales or balance, which means also uphold justice.
This is in line with the number of the verses of the Koran which commands us to uphold the scales or balance, which means also uphold justice.
If we are commanded to enforce muamalah scales or her fairly, and for gold or silver is needed - then surely Allah is sufficient to make it available on earth.
Based on data from World Gold Council (WGC), until late last year about 170.000 tons of gold available in the entire surface of the Earth (backup in the earth is not counted.) More than half for jewelry (51%), while serving as a reserve in central banks around the world only 18%, almost equal to the amount of gold for investment up to 17%.
Other data from the Gold Sheet Link shows that for about the last 170 years trend of the availability of gold in the earth's surface increases with population growth of the earth. Even the per capita availability of world gold tends to rise than 0.50 ounces / capita mid-19th century; to about 0.75 ounces / capita of this decade.
These data indicate that gold is enough to be used as a tool muamalah or money was fair to all inhabitants of the earth anytime and anywhere. Only the human greed that makes it as if gold is never enough.
Gold will only be enough to use as money is fair if the conditions of the people abide by the rules of the use of gold as a whole. Where these rules are?. Only Islamic law was the one who has very detailed rules about the use of this golden; Consider the following examples:
1. Men in Islam are prohibited from using gold jewelry; from the chart above shows that gold is used as jewelry is now 51% of all gold that is. Prohibition of men using as a gold jewelry will have reduced the proportion of gold jewelry, and leaves more gold for money.
2. Prohibition where gold is used for eating and drinking, also will make more gold available as money.
3. Prohibition accompanied by a very severe threat is a hoard of gold and silver.Because if gold stockpiled, then regardless of the surface of the earth will never be enough.
4. Prohibition of Riba hardest part is - up until Allah and His messenger to declare war against the perpetrators. The lure of usury would eliminate the gold that is used as a tool needed muamalah a fair society.
5. The command to treasure always play (Al Hasyr: 7) is the key, if gold is really able to rotate (because it is not discarded and not too in-riba)-then this amount will not be a problem. Little spin will be enough, if not disposed of as well-in usury or she will never be enough.
This is why gold post-Ottoman regime like the Bretton Woods failed and will always fail because it only uses gold as a standard will never be enough to satisfy human greed.
Gold is only sufficient if enforced Shari'a that regulate them, and only Islam that has the Shari'a this. So the only true Islam that has a comprehensive solution to address today's chaotic world of finance it.
This work can be enormous and will take a long time - beyond the limit of our age, but this work must begin. Starting from ourselves, with what we can. Allaah knows best.