December 14, 2010

G-20 Effect

Last three months - which coincided with spring and summer in the northern hemisphere, world gold prices will be relatively low and be a good time to invest in Dinar.
This opportunity became more open again in conjunction with a meeting of leaders of countries belonging to the G-20 in London that took place since yesterday.
G-20 meeting is as interesting as the earth's gravity objects down, then the world gold price had come down significantly because of the influence of G-20 meeting this or I will term the G-20 Effect. Two things that I think the clear relation between the G-20 is the decline in world gold prices.
First with the G-20 despite leaving a lot of homework on each member state in particular and the world at large, at least has given hope to the market that the crisis will end. Hope this is enough to move the capital markets to back passionate, almost all world stock markets experienced a significant increase in positive sentiment yesterday because of this.
Because the world's investment funds have to compete between investing in the stock market, gold etc., so with increased investment in capital markets, funds that invested in gold declined. Demand declined while gold supply is relatively not moving - so gold prices fell.
Both the direct hit gold prices yesterday was the support of G-20 on the IMF to realize its plan to sell gold that has been planned since last year amounted to 403.3 tons.Perception will be additional gold supply this much response from the market with gold selling pressure before the price dropped again.
Actually the trend in gold prices tend to be low because of the G-20 would be good if you can bring or suppress the gold price at a relatively low value as it is now quite long, so Dinar more affordable and can be more easily disseminated to the public.
The problem is the result of such meetings of the G-20 this would not necessarily bring concrete results for each country. When world leaders are behind in their respective countries, they again have to face the reality that is not easy.
G-20 star Barack Obama for example, when returned to the U.S. she would soon forget his promise to the country G-20 member countries, especially French and German demands to tighten control over the financial industry. Obama will return to its original plan to save the crisis in his country with the stimulus and the stimulus again, the bailout and the bailout again until they are no longer able to bailout any more like was aimed at by the demonstrators outside the meeting G-20 in the image above.
IMF plans gold sale to realize it could be ambiguous. Could be this for the umpteenth time just a mere issue, because it is not actually selling gold which they were going - but just only for playing his only issue - that depressed gold prices and currency values are automatically used to buy gold (mainly U.S. $) looks mighty.
Or indeed the IMF will really sell the gold, even bigger than the original plan - such as news circulated around the meeting of G-20. If this second possibility is correct, it means that this time the IMF really need money a lot. This need is likely to responding to requests for assistance from countries hit by the crisis, said the queue was so long that the IMF should sell good assets to be able to carry out its role. If this second possibility is correct, it means that this crisis could be worse than that visible on the surface.
Either way, for long-term gold investors or for the proper functioning of gold as a store of value - a decrease volatility of gold prices these days can be a good opportunity to secure assets. While the world again get wind of heaven is blown from the G-20.When the winds of heaven are gone next week or next month - the market is likely to run normally, which means that gold will tend to be expensive.
For short term investors (less than 6 months) I would recommend not to go into gold or Dinar these days (and whenever) you could be disappointed if the short-term results you expect. Allaah knows best.

Disaster That We Make Own

And what calamities that befall you it is caused by the act of your own hands, and God forgive most (from your mistakes.) Sura 42:30
Today the world leaders of the G-20 is scheduled to meet in London to seek solutions to the global financial crisis that has been ongoing since last year.
Unlike meetings of state officials who are usually decorated with lots of smiles and laughter; this meeting seems to be quite tense because from the outset there were two opposing camps.
Party America, Britain and the countries supporting the economic stimulus was looking at the solution of this crisis. While France and Germany argued that the tightening of financial regulation should be a top priority.
Outside the forum of world leaders are to meet, since yesterday a great demonstration took place in London. More than 4,000 demonstrators who had started to lead to anarchy theme is anti-capitalism, because they think capitalism is what has caused misery to which they now suffer.
At the time the world was busy overcoming this crisis, we in Indonesia again feasted not spend a countless. After party 'democracy' is completed next week, the amount will be tens of times more disappointed than happy.
Why?, Because every seat being contested they must compete with dozens or even hundreds of other candidates. Though each candidate has drained their wealth to which they are fighting about these chairs. So fitting anticipatory steps are carried out by hospitals, mental hospitals in various regions of cleaning and preparing to flood the guest of the former candidate member of this legislature.
Two different problems, I join in one article because between them there is a red thread in common. Ie they create a disaster for yourself (or nation) they own as paragraph which I quoted at the beginning of this paper.
World leaders try to solve the economic problems faced by capitalism ribawi - when the economy was already promised ribawi its destruction by God Almighty creator of us all. (Surah 2: 276 & 279)
The candidates who really want to (keep) a Member of the Legislative by releasing all its resources, hopefully they are aware of what their duties after actually elected.
The main task of legislators is to legislate or make laws; when Muslims read the Qur'an and understand its meaning certainly know that if we arbitrate to the law than the law of God - then according to the Quran we are convicted of being infidels (Sura5: 44), dholim (Sura 5:45) and evil (Sura 5:47). If that arbitrate (which use) alone convicted like this, then what is legal for people who make the laws are outside the law of God?, Then what is legal for people who help (select) them to become law-makers in addition to the law of God?. Let this be a reflection question each of us ahead of election day next week.
My little advice might be useful for most candidates (because most of it certainly will not be selected); thank you when the later is not selected. It may be that Allah Ta'ala is dear to you so that you are saved by Him, it could be too if you selected only made calamity for yourself and your own nation. Make a mental hospital disappointed mental hospital that was ready to accept you, because you did not come, because you do not stress even grateful and happy to not be a member of the legislature.Precisely thank you on your brothers and sisters who do not choose you, because then they have participated to save you by Allah. Allaah knows best.