November 24, 2010

Hijrah From Being Hunted World Pursuing World...

There is a saheeh hadeeth narrated by Tirmidhi, which reads:

"Any person who hereafter becomes hope, God will make sense enough in his heart and unify (make) his business, and the world will come to him in a state of submissive and humiliated. But who the world a hope, God will make pauperism in front of his eyes and scatter scattereth affairs, and the world will not come to him except just what he had set for him. "

This hadith can be effective in muhasabah inspire ourselves at the end of this year.

Only we ourselves know, at this time we include class which of the two groups of people mentioned in the above hadith. Is the group that has been made hereafter as our goal, or still in the chase group of the world.

The following simple checklist can be a map to know where we are located at this time:

1. Do our hearts have felt wealthy with all that exists, though it does not mean we have to 'rich'?

2. Are all our affairs was easily his or facilitated?
3. What is the 'world' come to us with obedient and despicable?

Fortunately for us if the great we can answer Yes to all three questions mentioned above, means it can so we've included the first group - that is what makes the afterlife destination.

Conversely, if there is our answer "No", then so can so we are still among those in the second group is what makes the world our expectations. The fact all the problems these people who seem difficult to indicate that the majority of us still in this second group.

Ironically, when we make the 'world' as we would hope that there is poverty in front of our eyes (although it could be us 'rich'). All matters become complicated, little things become big problems, divorced people apart because of it. World that we pursue with any great difficulty, do not we get except what has been appointed.

The world was not for the people who chase; world only to be 'bonus' for people who make the afterlife of his life goals.

In addition to the above hadeeth, apparently God also promised direct this, among others, can be found in some of the following verse:

"Anyone who wants this life (worldly), then we immediately do for him in the world that what we want for the people we want and we set him hell, he will enter it in a disgraceful state and expelled. And whoever wants the hereafter in that direction and the buck is he is a believer, then they are the ones who respond with good business "(Surah 17: 18-19).

"Surely God will forgive your sins and enter you into Gardens beneath which flow rivers, and (insert you) into a good place to live in the Gardens of Eden. That is the supreme triumph. And (there again) another gift that you like (that) help from Allah and victory is near (the time). And give glad tidings to those who believe. "(Surah 61: 12-13)

In Islamic history we can also learn that the triumph of the people of this occurs when leaders and people who led the afterlife are equally oriented. That's when the Islamic Caliphate once stretched from parts of Europe, Africa to the eastern part of the archipelago.

Now on the contrary, after the Muslim world scattered with nation states, people had (in Indonesia for example) split again into smaller groups with what is calling itself the parties.

Even the next disaster continue to occur because in the parties they are now scattered provided by democracy - majority vote; my friend's apartment who had been struggling in one party in particular constituencies - now they are fighting over the support of the cadres of the same - because the will determine who gets the chair the upcoming election is that gets the most votes among them.

But if we can correct the current exile, we do not need to pursue the seat and the accompanying wealth-chair / wealth whatever the name - God willing calamity can be avoided. Simple, we are holding on to the above verse and the hadith which was supposed to be our guide.

May the coming year we can really emigrated from the 'only hope of the world' to 'only hope the afterlife' of the 'poverty' to the 'all sufficiency', from 'difficult' to 'every convenience', from 'the people are scattered' to ' people that one 'and the' pursuit of the world into being pursued the world '. Amen.

Positioning Riba in Islamic Society ...

Same with the other major vices such as prostitution, gambling and alcohol, usury is the age-old great evils of human history itself.

Also do not be mistaken at the time of the Prophet Muhammad lived there was no usury; there is usury at the time and that's caused its ban. Similarly, in the time-period the previous prophets, but there is always forbidden usury.

In the golden age of Islam after the Prophet Muhammad too. Usury actors remain in the community, although it continues to be prohibited.

In the time-period of the Caliphate, traders glorified especially if these traders from afar. Inter-city traders are treated as guests of the believers in the city of destination.

The government has provided shelter houses are best - you can still see traces of this halfway house if you come to Damascus now. Traders outside the city is not allowed to trade before observing the market for three days. For when it began selling them out at reasonable rates, so it does not hurt or harm others.

So where the position of the moneylenders?, They operate clandestinely to intercept traffickers and people who will go to market - to offer services his ribawi (such as a train ticket scalpers in the season widths). When the officer caught the market watchdog (hisba) they are being chased and ran helter-skelter.

By positioning the product as a disgraceful - a big sin and fought God and His Apostle (Sura 2:279) - then even if the lender can not be eliminated its presence in the community, growth and development is prevented.

So how about the positioning of Riba in this era?; Despite the addition in Al-Quran and Hadith are very clear, and the MUI-felt need to issue a special fatwa (I/2004), which declared the bank interest (including insurance rates and the like) is Riba - untilcurrently there is no single authority in this country was that forbidding the very large.

Even the impression of usury and the culprit in the 'Gentlemen'. We can take the example of occasions during this financial crisis, for example:

While there are several parties that 'dying' in this country: the first is the millions of Indonesian people are 'dying' because of their daily requirement of kerosene were told to abandonment, but no clear successor in the form of gas existence.

Both are hundreds of thousands of factory workers could lose jobs due to factory work go bankrupt.

Third is usury bank threatened financially bankrupt not because of global crisis, but also because of mis-management.

Of the three parties equally 'dying' is, where the government hastily rescued? It turns out that the three that get attention and rescue efforts at first.

Incorrect positioning of usury this is what lead to behavior 'glorify' usury is not humiliating him. From this incorrect positioning usury also nahi mungkar against the wrongdoing of a very large (up to fight God and His Apostle) was not done.

For my brothers who worked in a bank (as well as conventional insurance, money market and capital market), there is a very good fatwa of Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi about this. The point of this usury is systemic, not have to necessarily deal with you directly out of the bank or insurance.

But as long as you still are in it, you must sincerely intend that you will use all the experience, knowledge and influence you to provide alternative financial system that is free of usury. To demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions, you also must have a reasonable time-frame - not because it was intended it should be a new retirement leave work usury.

In addition, many products you nice things like service payment / transfer money very easily and quickly - if omitted the element of his ribawi, God willing such a bank product is good for people and can be continued and even enhanced.

Hopefully at the turn of the year Hijri us this year, we could really leave usury. If you have not yet, at least we should be able to make the positioning of usury as a forbidden thing, despised and fought against Allah and His Messenger.

There are only two parties in the 'war' is, Hezbollah and Hisbussyithon. Of course we do not want to be in line Hizbussyaithon - who fought against Allah and His Messenger. Instead, we want to be a Hezbollah that is the army of God and His Apostle in the fight against evil usury and other ugliness.

May we not choose the wrong ...

How to Win the Game Sophisticated Banknote Named ...?

I'm not anti-paper money, because of course I also gained the use of paper money in everyday life - I use paper money according to its function as a medium of exchange as I wrote in my earlier writings.

The scholars of Islam since the mid-century did not deny the existence of money outside the Dinar and Dirham. Ibn Taymiyyah One of them even have formulated rules of printing money like in my past writings.

"The amount of money (money that is lower than the Dinar and Dirham, such as copper) may only be printed in proportion to the number of transactions in such a way that guaranteed a fair price. Authority should not be printing money excessively harmful to society due to the destruction of the purchasing power of money already on them. "

What we need to note is the fact that the government of the world today not only seemed to lose control over the amount of money printed, but also accidentally doubled the amount of 'money' by any process of money creation is so fierce, so afraid that they themselves know the amount.

In monetary science is known, there are four kinds of money that is M0 to the amount of physical currency, demand deposits M1 to M0, M2 to M1 All time deposits, savings deposits and non-institutional money-market funds. And the most widely known as M3 is M2 all large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, and including all forms of other larger liquid assets.

Money The most widely known as M3 is a big problem the world today. The irony of this as the base of the problem is hidden by a world government, the American official M3 data is no longer published since 2006. Fortunately there is an independent institution such as the Shadow Government Statistics which can still track the existence of such data in the chart above.

From the graph above we know that what makes the current frenzy of the world not because of actual U.S. $ money (M0 or M1), but the shrinking of the false money of U.S. $ (M3).

These conditions make a tremendous advantage for America because they make money regardless - and they really do this as shown by skyrocketing M1 - without causing inflation (for a while!).

Contrast can be seen from the graph as well, along with the shrinking of the quasi-M3 money - the value of U.S. $ which is reflected in the U.S. $ Index skyrocketed. What we need to realize is very fast as it soared to U.S. $ as the cause of the false, then the terrible destruction will also be on the trigger by causes that are fictitious - that is when the M3 back to the original trend of swelling.

When the shrink M3 disaster financial crisis around the world, so when he returned to the normal trend in the near future - at least his misfortune that will lead to inflation or even hyperinflation.

This is what is feared by Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned above, namely the public's money will suddenly lose its purchasing power. Again, even this impact will be global, so we are in Indonesia and also must be ready to face it.

So how to we do not become victims of their game, even as far as possible out as the winner?.

Here are simple tips that we can do:

· Not holding or using U.S. $ unless forced, like he was traveling to a foreign country etc..
· Since Rupiah also will not be separated from the impact of U.S. $, use our paper money was (amount) only according to its function as a medium of exchange.
• Use of real property such as Dina, gardens, shops, business units are running well etc.. as a store of value.
• For long-term teach the kids to trade, gardening, raise and engage in activities other real sector.

In addition to the things that are worldly, of course there are the safest step for our property because there will be anyone who can trick - that is our charity!, Then our property will increase 700 times or more and will be ours forever ....: )

How We Will Pay for Our Health Costs When Moving Old ...?

Large companies where our decades of work would be innocent of the health of the pension fund, if yet they still contribute usually very minimal contribution.

From my comrades actuary, I know a lot of big companies / state that is currently struggling to overcome their liability of health care costs of retirees.

In addition we can save money in the dinar value maintained and will be very useful when we enter the age of retirement would be, of course we can also purchase health insurance offered sharia that many in the market.

But there are still some problems in this health insurance so that its penetration into society has not been too big. These issues include the premiums were deemed too expensive, especially for retirement age, difficult  claims procedures and service network that is more often limited. Hopefully they can improve themselves so that the future can be an attractive option for the community.

Actually there is another way outside the insurance scheme which can also be used to effectively manage health care costs, that is what is called the Community Health Insurance (Managed Care).

The point of this Managed Care consists of four actors are participants, the Implementing Agency (BAPEL), Board of Trustees (BAPIM) and the Health Services (KDP).

Participants ideally is a large group of community members to meet the so-called Law of Large Numbers so that costs can be more widely spread and patterns of risk can be more manageable.

Study group who had a large congregation like the congregation Ust Arifin Ilham, or Alumni ESQ example is suitable to form this Managed Care. First because the amount is large and both have a certain bond of these pilgrims.

BAPEL Managed Care can be either cooperative, limited liability companies, state enterprises, local enterprises can even also be the foundation. Essentially they have secured a license from the Ministry of Health Managed Care.

BAPEL is required capability that is qualified both in terms of managing their own health and financial management. Because they manage risk and in a long time, they must have expertise in actuarial, reserve management and even they must also be able to effectively perform BAPEL risk sharing with others - in the language of insurance called reinsurance / retakaful.

Not only to understand the health risks, BAPEL ideally should also be well aware of the financial risk. Paper money they manage down its purchasing power from time to time, while health costs continue to rise because of inflation, the age and deteriorating environmental factors, so many new diseases emerging.

In managing financial risks is the existence Dinar can greatly help stabilize the purchasing power of member contributions in the long term.

Care that does not have good risk management capabilities with the skills I mentioned above, most likely not long-lived and will be able to harm its members.

BAPIM is the duty of government to develop, foster and encourage the implementation of Managed Care. Because their job is like this, people should attempt to establish Care should be facilitated. Permit-license simplified so that thrives Managed Care-Managed Care professional and responsible.

KDP consists of network of hospitals, health centers, clinics, medical practices, midwives and other health services.

If we can combine elements of health management through Managed Care fostered by the MOH, health insurance is fostered by the MOF and the dinar-based financial management - the cost of medical benefits God willing we can we plan and manage from the start now.

Domino Effect Decrease in Purchasing Power Banknote ...

Any material change to the strength of certain currencies - especially if that change is a major world currencies like the U.S. $ this - certainly will have an impact on the currency, other currencies around the world.

Bank of Japan for example, before the Fed lowered interest rates just to stay already BOJ rate of 0.3%. Then offset what is done by the Fed, the BOJ will almost certainly also will cut rates close to 0 (zero) percent.

Similarly, China whose economy is highly sensitive to changes in other currencies, they must also be immediately respond to what happens in America through various mechanisms that end is to devalue its currency, either directly or indirectly.

That might be a little slow reaction is the European Central Bank (ECB) because they have to deal with the many countries who are members in it.

The point is, as concluded by David Owen - Chief Economist at Dresdner Kleinwort - London "Central banks around the world will push interest rates near zero and the need to consider other ways in an effort to move the economy, financial crisis still continues and the recession will still be worse" .

What does this all at the price of gold or Dinar?,

Because in general the price of gold moves opposite the power of currencies, after going through the stages of crisis as it had previously written, then the impulse rising world gold prices will be far greater than the opposite impulse.

This means could be in the short term gold price fluctuates with declining trend, but the medium-term fluctuations in length with a rising trend will be more dominant.Allaah knows best.

Doom and Gloom 2011: How We Can Have ...?

There seems to be changing attitudes of our leaders lately about how to look at the financial crisis that has engulfed and how to communicate it to the people.

If previously impressed half-covered as the financial storm will not seriously affected the country, yesterday I had time to read the running text in one of our national television where the president declared that the tsunami was the financial crisis hit Indonesia.

Openness is in my opinion is better, for people ready and for all elements of the nation to anticipate and prepare for a major famine that could have happened in 2011 and later years.

So bad next year?, Here I bring you predictions in 2011 for the United States economy

 - which has been the reference of world economy. These predictions were written by Roger Wiegand, published in Kitco.Com - the main reference in the world gold market, so the author nor the site enough to be trusted.

The essence of how bad the U.S. economy next year and later years can be described as follows:

° reveal the failure of the housing mortgage crisis that is bigger than that so far revealed. · Series of large waves of the failure credit and repossession of vehicles. · Approximately U.S. $ 40 billion failed to pay the credit card that will drown the issuing banks. · Wave of failures of commercial credit, lid stores, offices and other commercial sectors. · Biggest failure will come from the failure of Credit Default Swap (CDS) that can scale to reach U.S. $ 500 trillion.

Five great things mentioned above will lead to a series of new misery that has never been experienced before by the Americans, among others, will be:

· Dow Jones Index, which is still in the range of 10,000-will go down as low to the residence of 1.500. · The unemployment rate is the official statement the government was still single digits, the condition is already reached 16%'s, will continue to rise until it reaches 30% - 40%. · Number of people receiving social benefits is currently 11 million and approximately 700 000 children every day from hunger; will increase to 35 million-an and of course there will be more children who need help.

Now if only America had been a teacher and referral of our economy - because the majority of economists we are studying there or at least learn from the books of their minds - this dark future, what would become Indonesia's economic future?.

Want to learn martial arts, we know that we have lost the temperature of the natural enemies it faces - is whether we still learn from him?. If we are to survive we must no longer depend on temperature, time to find the perfect temperature and the time of his science-jutsu.

Where we can obtain a complete temperature this? Where else if not from our uswatun hasanah Prophet Muhammad with a book he was carrying the Qur'an and Sunnah him. Even promised by him as long as we hold on to these two things, we will never get lost forever.

To avoid this crisis, for example, we can survive if you can separate the (decoupling) of our economic system from capitalist economic system. Do not get too focused on the effort to save the amount of money we get to spend so much of our foreign exchange reserves.

The focus should be on the real sector, which is key to anticipate and deal with its shortage already exists glorious Quran:

"... .. So you raise seven years (ever) seriously ...." (Sura 12:47).
Our land fertile, all we need is here. From food, clothes until all existing energy needs in abundance - just mismanagement (because of the act!) Which allows us to suffer from crisis and poverty.

If all we want to follow the instructions to follow the example of what the U.S. Josephfor example, is not impossible that Indonesia would like Egypt in the reign of Joseph U.S.

When all the countries experienced a very terrible famine - the land of Joseph precisely in prosperous condition. Not only its prosperity sufficient to meet the needs of its population - even enough to help the populations of other countries who come for help.

Yes Allah is really your word, then give us convenience in following Your guide ....