December 22, 2010

Masterpiece From the Collection of Used Goods

Thirteen years ago I get a mandate to run an old public company that was born in the early days of independence of this countryAs with other old company, the company is filled by people who have decades of work in the company.

Plus they are the ones who are very loyal to the company and has been credited with keeping the company's presence through the various upheavals that occurred in this country. While the negative because the majority ahead of retirement, it is difficult to motivate them to compete with younger children who gradually fill various positions in the company.

One time during a visit to a branch in Bandung, I see the artwork in the form of miniature motorcycles made from various kinds of used goods. Starting from the former engine watch, a former bath hose, a former air rifle and various other marks.

Through creative hands, all second-hand goods is placed in the right place - assembled in an exclusive design of large motors. The result?, It was amazing - does not appear that the masterpiece is made from used goods. What appeared was a large lovely miniature motor.

Masterpiece of used goods is what ultimately I use to visualize how important the role of everyone in the company.

To a messenger for example, I tell you what will become of these motors when the wind ammunition - which represents the exhaust - I put the cross on the seat?; Then people will not see it like a big bike - people will see the form of cassava waste in it.Likewise the role of a messenger, any promised management for clients such as on-time service etc., when the messenger who is charged to deliver the document (which was promised on time is) negligent - then people will only see the company as a company that can not keep their promises.

 So in the eyes of the client, the role of messenger is as important as my own role in the company director at that time - in what kind of image the company where we work with them. The role played by the right and truly by each individual is what will produce a masterpiece, if there is even one individual who played a casual role - it is not the masterpiece that is formed - but a pile of garbage.

This concrete example: in a recent road trip is along the coast - I was stuck in traffic for 6 hours more to reach a city in West Java, which usually can be taken 4 hours - then I need 10 hours!.

Similarly, all those who pass road; among them there are public transport will automatically lose because of this congestion, the trucks carrying logistics, business people who wasted his time in vain - and various other losses are incalculable - but this Lebaran season, which is not usually jammed.

 What causes such huge losses? the cause is because there is a role that does not play well by those responsible for road improvement projects in the city. To manage the road improvements without causing severe congestion that do not require intelligence of a rocket scientist, meaning that the average project manager should be able to manage the highway improvement project with minimal disruption.

Because failure is the project manager - road congestion in the eyes of the victims - the government that failed. The failed government concerning the Regent / Mayor, Governor to the President. If among the victims of this congestion include also the prospective investors - then surely they will think a thousand times to invest funds into the region / country because of how hard the economic costs of its infrastructure is chaotic.

So to make this country masterpiece, was not just a good president; good governor or mayor is good, but it is all officials involved in public service or handle work in the interests of the public must play their respective roles well and truly Without this comprehensive success, which appears in the eyes of the client (can be people, investors etc) is just the junk pile as examples of miniature motors I mentioned above.